Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rockin' the Bump

Well I certainly didn't get going on this blogging thing like I intended to, but things have calmed down a bit now and I feel like I am ready to start writing on more of a regular basis. Even though I haven't exactly been active, I have been reading several blogs, and through my favorite blog that I am terribly biased to, Emmy Mom, I found Shell of Things I Can't Say, and I can't resist trying my first link up with Shell's Rockin the Bump since these pictures are just so fun.

We had some fun at my now two year old daughter's baby shower:

I was 8 months preggo, and she was born exactly one month later.

Then there was my now seven month old at Halloween:

This was taken ten days before my due date. I was Miss America, my hubby was Donald Trump, and even though it was not planned, the party host and his girlfriend were "ready" to deliver the baby if necessary (j/k) -Sadly, this is a very bitter sweet picture, because our host and amazing friend, Stevie and his girlfriend were killed in a car accident on New Year's Eve, but this still reminds me of the great times we had and what an truly wonderful person he was and is to us. As Stevie would say, it "Sucks to be us!!" but we love him the same. <3


  1. Cute pics! Sorry about your friends. They look like nice people.

  2. Such cute pics- I'm sorry about your loss.

  3. You look so cute!! Sorry about your loss.

  4. Thank you girls... And Shell, I can't wait for Rockin' the Baby - because what's cuter than the bump?... What's inside! =)
